Why Home Prepared Meals Can Be Difficult And Dangerous

  By: Dr. Bill Ormston Many people never discuss their dog or cat’s diet with their veterinarians. Homemade, cooked diets are the diets that veterinarians worry may be nutritionally deficient hence the ones they complain about. When dogs show up in a veterinary clinic with a nutritional deficiency or imbalance it is generally because of a home-cooked diet that is severely lacking in one or several nutrients, or one that has been over-supplemented. When first starting on a home cooked diet, dogs initially do better. Cooked homemade diets are definitely better…

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Pet obesity: Tips on how to avoid killing your dog

Much like their human owners, animals have to deal with unwanted weight, too. Animal obesity is an epidemic across the country with more than 50 percent of pets now overweight. My little girl Nadya, an adorable 7 year old bichon/poodle mix often overindulges in food. Every time she thinks she does something good, she expects a treat. You spoil them and then you don’t realize what you’re doing. To lose weight, cutting calories is the key. If you look at the calorie content of those treats, it would comprise probably…

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Is your dog at risk of hormone disease?

We hear about it in the vets office, media, from dog owners at dog parks. Hormone disorders are on the rise and just hearing about it is enough to send most of us dog owners into a panic. The good news is,  a hormone disorder is something a dog will usually live with, rather than die from,  as long as proper care and medication is provided. What are hormones? Put simply, hormones are chemical messengers that affect the activity of cells and tissues throughout the body. Hormone disorders can affect…

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Why your dog gets more bored with some toys than others

  You give your dog a new toy only to find he/she neglects it after seconds of play? You may be able to avoid this from happening in the future as a recently released study is shedding light into which toys will either interest or bore your dog.  The study, published in the journal Animal Cognition reveals why some dogs lose interest in a toy just after a minutes play while other toys become their favorites. John Bardshaw, co-author of the study and a researcher of University of Bristol’s Veterinary School says that because we think…

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