Debunked: Omega 3, 6 and 9 for dogs

First, let’s talk about how the fatty acids are named. “Essential” means needed, thus our bodies don’t make the fatty acid. The biochemical structure is what makes them fatty acids and helps with the different names. “Fatty” means the EFAs are used in the body in lipid (fatty) layers of cells and tissues. Where the first double bond is in the fatty acid molecule helps in the naming – an omega-3 fatty acid has the first double bond 3 carbon atoms from the naming end; an omega-6 has 6 carbon atoms until the first double bond;…

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Unhappy tummies may be prevented…

By Robert Mueller: Vomiting and diarrhea – Cleaning up after our pets is NEVER fun for anyone. Something has caused your poor pooch to be sick whether from a one time occurrence like getting into the garbage or from years something in their diet slowly wearing down their tolerance. Either way, you are stuck scrubbing the carpet and your pet is miserable. How did this happen and how do you get out of this mess? Other than skin and allergy issues, which are the #1 problem that plagues our companion animals,…

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