Pet obesity: Tips on how to avoid killing your dog

Much like their human owners, animals have to deal with unwanted weight, too. Animal obesity is an epidemic across the country with more than 50 percent of pets now overweight. My little girl Nadya, an adorable 7 year old bichon/poodle mix often overindulges in food. Every time she thinks she does something good, she expects a treat. You spoil them and then you don’t realize what you’re doing. To lose weight, cutting calories is the key. If you look at the calorie content of those treats, it would comprise probably…

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Your dog’s dental hygiene determines his overall health

by Robert Mueller: I would guess that very few people are aware of the connection between dental health and the benefits provided for good cardiovascular health. The dental industry has changed over the last few decades, and with the knowledge gained from research and preventive dentistry, the incidence of heart disease has been reduced. The slogan ‘ Good Food, Great Teeth’ is ever so true for pets as well as humans. Pets that are in the infant stage at 2 to 6 weeks of age start their teething issues when…

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Debunked: Omega 3, 6 and 9 for dogs

First, let’s talk about how the fatty acids are named. “Essential” means needed, thus our bodies don’t make the fatty acid. The biochemical structure is what makes them fatty acids and helps with the different names. “Fatty” means the EFAs are used in the body in lipid (fatty) layers of cells and tissues. Where the first double bond is in the fatty acid molecule helps in the naming – an omega-3 fatty acid has the first double bond 3 carbon atoms from the naming end; an omega-6 has 6 carbon atoms until the first double bond;…

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Preventive veterinary care is sexy too

By: Michael Paul, DVM DVM NEWSMAGAZINE Time to make the ugly stepsister of veterinary medicine an important member of the family. As veterinarians, we tend to find diagnosing and managing disease and treating injuries a gratifying and brag-worthy part of our jobs. And in these cases, clients tend to be openly appreciative of our heroics. A successful diagnosis and treatment also gets veterinary team members excited, and a positive outcome results in high fives all around the clinic. But clients also seek our help for information, services and products, and…

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January Recalls

Watch out for these products! Make sure you throw out or return these products to the store you purchased it in.   1/9/2013 – IMS Trading Group Withdraws Chicken Jerky Dog Treats Due to Drug Residue 1/9/2013 – Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek Ranch chicken jerky – trace amounts of antibiotic residue in samples    1/9/2013 – Milo’s Kitchen Recalls Chicken Jerky and Chicken Grillers Dog Treats – trace amounts of residual antibiotics

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