This Feeding Mistake Can Lead to a Fatal Deficiency

Dr Becker at Mercola Pets Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin absorbed from the diet through the small intestine, and is necessary for normal carbohydrate metabolism. Organs that use a lot of energy, like the brain, can be severely compromised by a thiamine deficiency. A lack of thiamine can also lead to a buildup of lactate, resulting in acidosis. How Your Pet Can Become Thiamine-Deficient In recent years, there have been several major recalls in the U.S. for thiamine-deficient pet foods. Cats require about three times the amount of dietary…

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Nutritional Supplements for Dogs…Explained

“I have observed that the degenerative disease process takes 5 to 6 years to surface when consuming a heat processed food and when they do, it is assumed that they are part of the “normal” aging process. Such diseases are rarely linked to the pet food that caused them. Bottom line is that heavily denatured food does not support good health.” – Robert Mueller, R. Pharm., author of “Living Enzymes: The World’s Best Kept Pet Food Secret” and co-formulator of the BARF DietÂź natural diet for dogs.   By Robert…

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A brand new, revolutionary approach to pet care is gaining attention

A brand new, revolutionary approach to pet care is gaining attention. The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation is emerging as an alternative answer to pet care. Based on a philosophy of integrative medicine, this holistic approach to animal health is saving the lives of pets diagnosed with conditions such as cancer, heart disease, auto immune disease, bladder problems, skin problems and seizures. Dr. Barbara Royal, president elect of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation, believes that mainstream American physicians and veterinarians are only educated in one way. “MDs and DVMs learn…

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Pet Poisons From A to Z — 26 Common Items That Are Dangerous to Cats and Dogs

by Dr. Mary Fuller It can happen to even the best pet owners. You turn around for one second and the dog is into the chocolate that was sitting on the counter, or the cat has discovered the Easter lily you thought was safely out of the way. “We just don’t realize how determined our pets are to eat the things they shouldn’t,” says Dr. Tina Wismer, DVM, medical director for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. Of the more than 180,000 cases that the organization handled in 2012, most of…

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Vaccinations: A word of caution for our animals and why titer tests are a better option

It’s no surprise to many disgruntled pet owners that many veterinary clinics rely on revenue from vaccines. Happily for the dogs, many vets have replaced vaccinations with titer testing. The problem with this is twofold: one, they are replacing yearly or triennial vaccination with yearly or triennial titer testing, and two, titers are expensive. Once a dog has a positive titer, he is considered protected for life. This means he no longer requires more vaccinations (most of the core vaccines have been shown to protect dogs for 7 to 15…

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Pet treat illnesses and deaths out of control in the U.S.

Did you know that since 2007, the FDA has received over 2,200 reports of pets falling ill – and some have even died – from eating jerky treats?1 It’ sad but true. As guardian of your pet’s well being, you owe it to them and yourself to read this important, life-saving article. Please forward this to every pet owner you know and repost it on your favorite animal forums. It may just save the life of an innocent dog or cat. When I first heard about this story my first thought was, “Is this even possible?” I…

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Safety Alert: This artificial sweetener can kill your dog

What is Xylitol? The artificial sweetener xylitol is a sugar alcohol extracted from corn, birch, raspberries and plums. Often consumed by diabetics and people on low carbohydrate diets, xylitol is gaining popularity as a sugar substitute. Xylitol is toxic to dogs. Xylitol is used to sweeten the following: Sugar-free gum, mints and other candy Nicotine gum Certain prescription drugs Dental hygiene products Baked goods Xylitol is also: Available in granulated form as a sugar replacement to sweeten beverages and other foods. Now being added to some human vitamins (including chewable…

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What to think about when road tripping with your dog during holiday season

Holiday season is slowly approaching, road trips are being planned and our dogs want to come along for the ride. Here are some tips for safely and enjoyably taking our four-legged loved ones on the road. #1 Harness/restraint. (Warning, some of these videos may be hard to watch!) According to, a 60-lob dog traveling at 35mph can turn into a 2,700 projectile in an accident. For the safety of your dog and your family, look for a harness that lets your dog sit or lie down, but will keep…

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