Travelling with your pet?

Traveling With Your Pet By Monica Samson More people than ever before treat their pets with unconditional love and care. It is very common for pets to be welcomed into families not as a pet but as a member of the family. Pet owners are eager to take their pets out on family vacations as well. With this growing number of traveling dog’s we have also seen a spike in pet friendly hotels. More than ever, pet owners are willing to take their pets on an international vacation too!…

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Canine Cancer Cuisine

Canine Cancer Cuisine There are no ten commandments or easy-to-follow plans for feeding an animal with cancer, but healthy and tempting cuisine is a good place to start for canines with cancer. Written by Suzi Beber | Photography by Julie Austin One diet does not fit all, and what works well today may not be tolerated tomorrow. Tastes change and regular feeding schedules can be turned upside down. The guidance of a veterinarian or nutritionist can give a better idea of what to expect, but here are a few important…

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Raw Food: Truth or Fiction

By Robert Mueller Give your dog a fighting chance with a healthy diet. Concerned pet parents who are actively searching for the very best in nutrition for their dogs need to be able to discern fact from fiction when making a decision whether to switch their dog’s diet. With the recent recalls of pet food, pet owners that have been buying kibble and canned food all their life are now beginning to question the safety, value and benefits of feeding a heat processed pet food.   Each side of the…

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Healthy Paws Pet Insurance covers everything that matters including injuries, illnesses, genetic conditions, and emergency care. With unlimited lifetime benefits, protect your pet with the #1 customer-rated pet insurance plan! Get a free quote and let Healthy Paws pay your vet bills while you care for your pet.   When it comes to our pets, my hubby and I will spend whatever it takes to give them the best medical care possible. Like so many other people today, we consider them to be members of the family. Our dog, Misha,…

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Is Convenience Killing Your Pet?

“I must warn you about the use of bone meal in pet foods. Primarily because of the way it is manufactured. It is generated by a disgusting collection of dead animals, many which have been euthanized with Pentobarbital. This deadly chemical is not destroyed with high heat. These dead animals are sent to rendering plants and dried. Most uses of bone meal are to provide a Calcium source other than ground bones. The Calcium in bone meal is not readily absorbed. In addition, some bone meal contains toxic heavy metals…

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Vetenerians have long suspected this: Watch out for dog halitosis…

By Robert Mueller I would guess that very few people are aware of the connection between good dental health and the benefits it provides for good cardiovascular health. Pets that are in the infant stage of 2 to 6 weeks start teething issues when their deciduous teeth erupt through the gums, giving rise to pain and inflammation. It is at this time when the “naughty puppy” stage begins, and they will chew on whatever they can find to relieve the pain. It is my recommendation that you give your puppy…

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